Sunday 13 October 2013


1 Barack Obama— 44th President of the USA
2 Angela Merkel— 8th Chancellor of Germany
3 Vladimir Putin— President of Russia
4 Bill Gates— chairman of Microsoft
5 Pope Benedict XVI— 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
6 Ben Bernanke— 14th Chairman of the Federal Reserve
7 Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz— 6th King of Saudi Arabia(data by facebook/onlinegovtjobs)
8 Mario Draghi— President of the European Central Bank
9 Xi Jinping— President of China (data by facebook/onlinegovtjobs)
10 David Cameron— Prime Minister of the UK


1. The first persons to reach Mount Everest – Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary
2. The first person to reach North Pole – Robert Peary
3. The first person to reach South Pole – Amundsen
4. The first religion of the world – Hinduism
5. The first country to print book – China
6. The first country to issue paper currency – China
7. The first country to commence competitive examination in civil services – China
8. The first President of the U.S.A – George Washington
9. The first Prime Minister of Britain – Robert Walpole
10. The first Governor General of the United Nations – Trigveli (Norway)
11. The first country to prepare a constitution – U.S.A
12. The first Governor General of Pakistan – Mohd. Ali Jinnah
13. The first country to host NAM summit – Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
14. The first European to attack India – Alexander, The Great
15. The first European to reach China – Marco Polo

Wednesday 2 October 2013


A train travelled from Delhi to Patna and back in a certain time at the rate of 60kmph.But if the
train had travelled from Delhi to Patna at rate of rate 80Kmph. And back from Patna to Delhi at the rate
of 40Kmph. It would take two hours Longer. Find the distance between Delhi and Patna?
a) 480Km
b) 460Km
c) 450Km
d) 465Km
A train travelled from Delhi to Patna and back in a certain time at the rate of 60kmph.But if the
train had travelled from Delhi to Patna at rate of rate 80Kmph. And back from Patna to Delhi at the rate
of 40Kmph. It would take two hours Longer. Find the distance between Delhi and Patna?
a) 480Km
b) 460Km
c) 450Km
d) 465Km


In a Conventional Clock, how many times does the minutes hand pass the hour hand between noon
and midnight?
a) 8 times
b)10 times
c)12 times
d)15 times


Who is the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan ?
1) Imran Khan
2) Asif Ali Zardari
3) Nawaz Sharif
4) Shahnawaz Sharif


There are two sections in a question paper each contain five questions. A students has to answer 6
Maximum no. of questions that can be answered from any section is 4. How many ways he can attempt
the paper?
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 200
A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.
What is the probability that both are contradicting each other is ?
A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.
What is the probability that both are contradicting each other is ?
Ram starts from A walking 2 km North and turns right and walks 4 km and turns right again and
walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km and meets Radha at Bwalking in the opposite
direction to Ram .
a) Which direction does Ram walk after the first turn?
b) Distance between A and B

Sunday 29 September 2013

There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole. A car takes 24
second to reach the 12th pole.How much will it take to reach the last pole.
1. 41.45 seconds
2. 40.45 seconds
3. 42.45 seconds
4. 41.00 seconds
12% of 580 + ? = 94
1. 24.4
2. 34.4
3. 54.4
4. 65.4

Apps ApPS Apps Questions

There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : : and one
word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from the given
alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has. Select the
best alternative. Horse : Jockey : : Car : ?
1. Mechanic
2. Chauffeur
3. Steering
4. Brake
Ronald and Michelle have two children. The probability that the first child is a
girl, is 50%. The probability that the second child is a girl, is also 50%. Ronald and
Michelle tell you that they have a daughter. What is the probability that their other
child is also a girl?
1. 1/2
2. 1/3
3. 1/4
4. 1/5
The cost of 16 packets of salt,each weighing 900 grams is Rs.28.What will be the
cost of 27 packets ,if each packet weighs 1Kg?
1. Rs.52.50
2. Rs.56
3. Rs.58.50
4. Rs.64.75
A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his
shares for Rs.75000. What is the value of Business
1. 150000
2. 13000
3. 240000
4. 34000
A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his
shares for Rs.75000. What is the value of Business
1. 150000
2. 13000
3. 240000
4. 34000
A / B = C; C > D then
1. A is always greater than D
2. C is always greater than D
3. B is always less than D
4. none
There are 3 triplet brothers. They look identical. The oldest is John, he always
tells the truth. The second is Jack, he always tells a lie. The third is Joe, he either
tells the truth or a lie. Jimmie Dean went to visit them one day. He was wondering
who was who. So he asked each person a question. He asked the one who was sitting
on the left: “Who is the guy sitting in the middle?”. The answer was “He is John.”
He asked the one who was sitting in the middle: “What is your name?”. The answer
was “I am Joe.” He asked the one who was sitting on the right: “What is the guy
sitting in the middle?”. The answer was “He is Jack.” Jimmie Dean got really
confused. Basically, he asked 3 same questions, but he got 3 different answers. which
is not true?
1. left most is joe
2. middle is jack
3. right is john
4. middle is john
Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the
same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank
1. 17 1/7 mins
2. 20 mins
3. none
4. 50 mins


After allowing a discount of 11.11% ,a trader still makes a gain of 14.28 % .at
how many precent above the cost price does he mark his goods?
1. 28.56%
2. 35%
3. 22.22%
4. None of these
If every alternative letter starting from B of the English alphabet is written in
small letter, rest all are written in capital letters, how the month “September” be
written. (1) SeptEMbEr (2) SEpTeMBEr (3) SeptembeR (4) SepteMber (5) None of
the above
1. (1)
2. (2)
3. (3)
4. (5)
5. (4)

Saturday 28 September 2013

The mass number of a nucleus is
1. Always less than its atomic number
2. Always more than its atomic number
3. Sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number
4. None of the above
Who invented Napier’s Bones
1. John Napier
2. William Oughtred
3. Charles Babbage
4. Napier Bone
Goitre caused by the deficiency of ………
1. Vitamin D
2. Iron
3. VItamin A
4. Iodine
Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day. How many
hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job?
1. 8 hrs
2. 71/2 hrs
3. 7 hrs
4. 9 hrs
The tutor of Alexander the great was
1. Darius
2. Cyrus
3. Socrates
4. Aristotle
If the value of x lies between 0 & 1 which of the following is the largest?
1. x
2. x2
3. -x
4. 1/x
Ans: 4.

Aptitude Questions For Placement

x% of y is y% of ?
1. x/y
2. 2y
3. x
4. can’t be determined
A radio when sold at a certain price gives a gain of 20%. What will be the gain
percent, if sold for thrice the price?
1. 280
2. 270
3. 290
4. 260
2 numbers differ by 5.If their product is 336,then the sum of the 2 numbers is:
1. 21
2. 51
3. 28
4. 37
One of Mr. Horton, his wife, their son, and Mr. Horton’s mother is a doctor and
another is a lawyer.
a) If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are not blood
b) If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives.
c) If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. Whose occupation you know?
1. Mr. Horton: he is the doctor
2. Mr. Horton’s son: she is the lawyer
3. Mr. Horton: he is the doctor
4. Mr. Horton’s mother: she is the doctor
8 15 24 35 48 63 _?
1. 70
2. 80
3. 75
4. 88
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A train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after
traveling for an hour goes at 3/5th of the original speed and reaches the destination
2 hrs late.If the fault had occurred after traveling another 50 miles the train would
have reached 40 min earlier. What is distance between the two stations.
1. 300
2. 310
3. 320
4. 305
Dinesh travelled 1200 km by air which formed 2/5 of his trip. One third of the
whole trip, he travelled by car and the rest of the journey he performed by train.
What was the distance travelled by train?
1. 600Km
2. 700Km
3. 800Km
4. 900Km
What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12
1. 16
2. 9
3. 15
4. 6
What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12
1. 16
2. 9
3. 15
4. 6
A clock is set right at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be
the true time when the clock indicates 1 p.m. on the following day?
1. 48 min. past 12
2. 38 min. past 12
3. 28 min. past 12
4. 25 min. past 12
 If (2x-y)=4 then (6x-3y)=?
1. 15
2. 12
3. 18
4. 10
A shop keeper sold a T.V set for Rs.17,940 with a discount of 8% and earned a
profit of 19.6%.What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no
discount was offered?
1. 24.8%
2. 25%
3. 26.4%
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these
At what time after 4.00 p.m. is the minutes hand of a clock exactly aligned with
the hour hand?
1. 4:21:49.5
2. 4:27:49.5
3. 3:21:49.5
4. 4:21:44.5
A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4 hrs.Find
the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?
1. 1/2 kmph
2. 7/12 kmph
3. 5 kmph
4. none of these
If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its area is diminished by:
1. 10%
2. 19%
3. 20%
4. 36%

Apti questions

The largest copper producing country in the World is
1. Chile
2. Russia
3. South Africa
4. China

Friday 27 September 2013

Aptitude Formula

If ‘A’ is R% less than ‘B’, then ‘B’ is more than ‘A’ by
If the price of a commodity decreases by R%, then the increase in consumption, not to
increase the expenditure is
{100R / [100 - R] } % 

Aptitude Questions for practice

A student divided a number by 2/3 when he required to multiply by 3/2.
Calculate the percentage of error in his result.

Aptitude Questions for Preparation

A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell pulses at the cost price, but he uses a
false weight of 950gm. for a kg. His gain is …%.

Aptitude Questions for Preparation

A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell pulses at the cost price, but he uses a
false weight of 950gm. for a kg. His gain is …%.

Aptitude Questions

A software engineer has the capability of thinking 100 lines of code in five minutes and can type 100 lines of code in 10 minutes. He takes a break for five minutes after every ten minutes. How many lines of codes will he complete typing after an hour?

Aptitude Questions

A contractor agreeing to finish a work in 150 days, employed 75 men each
working 8 hours daily. After 90 days, only 2/7 of the work was completed.
Increasing the number of men by ________ each working now for 10 hours
daily, the work can be completed in time.

Aptitude Questions

A man was engaged on a job for 30 days on the condition that he would get a wage of Rs. 10 for the day he works, but he have to pay a fine of Rs. 2 for each day of his absence. If he gets Rs. 216 at the end, he was absent for work for ... days.

Aptitude Questions

Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day. How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job?

(a) 8 hrs
(b) 7 1/2 hrs
(c) 7 hrs
(d) 9 hrs

Aptitude Questions

A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long. Find the area it can graze?

(a) 38.5 sq.m
(b) 155 sq.m
(c) 144 sq.m
(d) 19.25 sq.m

Aptitude Questions

A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long. Find the area it can graze?

(a) 38.5 sq.m
(b) 155 sq.m
(c) 144 sq.m
(d) 19.25 sq.m

Aptitude Questions

The square of a two digit number is divided by half the number. After 36 is added to the quotient, this sum is then divided by 2. The digits of the resulting number are the same as those in the original number, but they are in reverse order. The ten's place of the original number is equal to twice the difference between its digits. What is the number?

Aptitude Formula

 If the population of a town is ‘P’ in a year, then its population ‘N’ years ago is 
P / [(1 + R/100)N]

Aptitude Formula

Lengths of trains are ‘x’ km and ‘y’ km, moving at ‘u’ kmph and ‘v’ kmph (where, u > v) in 
the same direction, then the time taken y the over-taker train to cross the slower train is 
[(x + y) / (u - v)] hrs

Aptitude Formula

Suppose a man covers a distance at ‘x’ kmph and an equal distance at ‘y’ kmph, then 
average speed during his whole journey is 
[2xy / (x + y)] kmph

Aptitude Formula

If A is thrice as good a workman as B, then: 
Ratio of work done by A and B = 3 : 1, 
Ratio of times taken by A & B to finish a work = 1 : 3

Aptitude Formula

If A can do a piece of work in n days, then A’s 1 day’s work = 1/n.

Aptitude Formula

The equality of two ratios is called a proportion. If a : b = c : d, we write a : b :: c : d and 
we say that a, b, c, d are in proportion. 
In a proportion, the first and fourth terms are known as extremes, while the second and
third are known as means.

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